List of Governors
Co-Chair of Governors
Helen Kerr and Jo Lavery
Head Teacher
Miss Emmaline Taylor
Parent Governors
Mrs F Brooks
Ms J. Lavery
LA Governor
Co-opted Governors
Sarah Hull
Emma Johnson
Helen Kerr
Mr. R. Micheal
Staff Governor
Mrs. E. Hurst
Foundation Governors
J. Anderson
Vacancy x 1 Ex officio
Associate Governors
Mrs S Latham (Resources)
LA Clerk to the Governors
Mrs A Sahota
The School’s Governing Body is made up of local people who voluntarily give up their time to serve the community by working to ensure that our children receive the best possible education.
Governors are like a Board of Directors who share decision making on how the school is run. Whilst it is a responsibility, training is available to prepare for it. At Flockton the Full Governing Body and Sub-committees usually meet once a half term. If you are interested in becoming a Governor please see the following page:
The Chair of Governors can be contacted through School.
Safety & Resources Committee
To provide support and challenge to the leadership of the school and to hold them to account in relation to the use of resources to support the priorities of the school including: the leadership of teaching and learning; the school budget; the employment and development of staff; the premises.
To ensure a staffing structure is in place which meets the needs and priorities of the school and that requirements in relation to safer recruitment practices are met.
To ensure the school has strategic plans in place to deliver effective teaching and learning within the school budget
Miss E Taylor
Ms. J Lavery (Chair)
Mrs S Latham
Mrs E. Johnson
Children & Learning Committee
To provide support and challenge to the leadership of the school and to hold them to account in relation to the quality of educational provision including: the quality of teaching and learning; pupil progress and outcomes for all pupils including vulnerable groups; the quality of the curriculum provision and delivery; in relation to the behaviour and safety of pupils, links with parents/carers, the pyramid and the wider community.
Mr R. Michael (Chair)
Miss E Taylor
Mrs E Hurst
Mrs H Kerr
Mrs S Hull

Full Governor

Safety & Resources Committee

Children & Learning Committee

Children & Families Committee